In the aftermath of a non-nuclear World War III, North America is divided into two colonies by the victorious members of the Confederation. Russia and China split the continent along the spine of the former Rocky Mountains, with Russia naming its new territorial possession Petrovistan and China naming its possession Pacifica. But the border is never fully established before the two former allies fight each other on the Eurasian landmass. Soon, Sino-Russian hostilities start to play out along the so-called PetPac Line which was intended to divide the North American continent. Then a new generation is born. In Petrovistan, a young baby boy is left abandoned on the doorstep of an orphanage and is named Clay Solaris by Sister Samara, who comes to love him like a son. At the same time in Indonesia, a country that retained neutrality in both wars, twins are born to a powerful ruling family. Clay grows into a military genius unseen in generations, while the Indonesian twins follow very separate paths. While their backgrounds differ greatly, in time these representatives of a new generation are destined to meet. As Clay Solaris gains international recognition, events force him to begin questioning his loyalty to his Russians overlords. A clash is brewing on the horizon and Clay's new nation looks to him for hope and a rebirth of patriotic pride.
Clay pulled back as a rare thought flashed through his mind. "Solaris," he whispered to himself. Then he leaned in again and this time it was he who spoke to the figure in the mirror. "That's the name that was given to you. But you have a real last name, don't you? You just don't know it." He pulled back away from the mirror. "Maybe someday... someday we will find out what your real last name is," both figures seemed to say in unison.